TrackInv offers you a total of 4 choices investment portfolios and each plan differs on the minimum amount of investment to start off, daily interest received, number of days until maturity, and amount of profit received by the end of term. It is important that we have a good look on each one of these investment plans in order to determine as to which one you want to place your money should you decide to add TrackInv in your list.
Before we look into the investment plans, I would like to inform you beforehand that the investment plans have almost the same dynamics and the thing you should take into consideration also is that the more risks you take, the higher the returns. Nevertheless, your priority is to take care of your investments and thus make sure to invest on your comfortable amount and pace. If you think that you do not want to continue with the investment term and decided to withdraw your principal before expiry, you can do so with a penalty of 30%. I do not recommend this action if you want to really earn, not unless there are existing signs that the program is becoming unstable.
Nevertheless, your priority is to take care of your investments and thus make sure to invest on your comfortable amount and pace.